new fork home made 2 L@@K ready to sell!!!!!!!!!!???!!!??!?!1!

Jake ODonnell

Steel Member
first of all,
is that a pro fork?
because if its a new A fork than its not going to work for allot of people that have 1 peice bars.

second of all, that fork is no where close to like a SR, or worth 40 dollers.

and you should work on your fork tube design, because usually people brake the fork at the threads, not the legs. ( well most people do )

but..if i were to buy that fork, it would be like for like 15 $. and if you ever want to sell it to me, meet me at skatebarn sometime.

Shaun Walton

Bronze member
seems good, but it will break in the threads, re-enforce the tube man, look for a tight size, or make a threadless one


Steel Member
sick i may get some depending if i dont get french id's.
one question, the triangle's at the side, are they solid steel or hollow, if hollow, whats the wall thickness?


Steel Member
Props but yea, everyone is right. And unless im wrong that's not gonna fit a 110 wheel. That plate you have welded to the front comes down lower than the black cap would. So unless you checked it and rode it w/ a 110 idk man.