New French ID Scooter


Steel Member
soz doubke post but i just realised how badly photoshoped this is


bit of a paint job


lloks so nice besides the stem thingy

pretty ridiculous how all these pre-puberty kids needs shinny powder-coated parts to make a scooter good
besides the bars it looks decent
i don't see why they chose to take pictures of a dirty one but whatever


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
Cmonnn guys, do you really think french id is going to release/sell something that dirty/un-clean?

All i see in this thread is, zomg that stem sucks penizoar and the deckz nott one piece like wtf?

Chances are that nobody here has riden one, it might ride fucking awesome, and be un-breakable.

Seriously. Chances are its just a prototype.