Thanks for the support guys.
Let's not get into this debate again.

We're here. We're Fuzion. And we (now) sell 2-wheel scooters along with all of our other products. Now that we've grown a bit we're very intent on providing a product very focused on what you guys are looking for to help complement our other product lines. As such, we're reaching out to the market intently to help drive this first initiative into competitive scooters.
We can't please everyone obviously. But that doesn't mean we can't help support your community and sport as we have in the past. And whether you like our actual products or not, there is no way you can deny that we have not been involved and supported the sport from day one- from sponsoring competitions for the last few years, working with Andrew/Proto to bring the first tour to you and so on. What we are most proud and honored about was our team and working with a number of riders that you guys all know and recognize as some of the best. From watching Brian Murphy flair an NX, to Dakota really sparking the flatland trend, to Andrew bombing his backyard megaramp (on an Asphalt nonetheless), to getting Capron & Corey Funk and Cameron Ward in front of Tony Hawk and ride IN Tony's backyard pool. Not to mention just watching the AMAZING progression since day 1 our riders have made for Fuzion and with their own 2-wheel endeavors! We'd name names of all of our previous team riders and testers but we're sure you already know a number of them from their OWN riding that has nothing to do with Fuzion. Our point: we didn't force anyone to ride our products or be on our team. We strive to provide our riders with a strong support system and network to give them opportunities that normally wouldn't exist- we challenge you to find a team member that worked closely with us that we didn't support to the best of our ability.
Simply put, we're back and would love to continue to help support all of you and your sport in any way possible.