New in The game


Hi guys, I want to get into scootering.
I did it before, but on a cheap 20$ scooter who broke. But i'm still a big noob.
I am planning on buying a new scooter. The razor phase 2 seemed interesting. So guys, I want to ask, is the razor phaze a good scooter (for starters) ?

Thanks :D


And what about the grit elite or grit fluxx? It's almost three times cheaper.
Are they also good scooters? And which is better?


Bronze member
in the end the phase two will turn out to be the better investment. with the grit parts being crappy youll wind up spending the 300 on upgrades to the already 150 scooter.


Steel Member
Yeah. My friend ruined his whole scooter fairly quickly - the headset popped + the wheels chunked + the deck was just uncomfortable and came with crap axles + forks bend easily and bars bent then snapped.

If you don't want to spend much your best bet would be a razor, the grits may appear good on paper but in the long run, you'll regret it.