Lovin that josh toy sticker. But didn't you like, whore the hell out of backflips? kinda hypocritical..
now if it was briflips are overrated.. bingo
Nah man I've never whored backflips. I've flipped my local like 3 times in 18 months (and them some other parks a few times on trips) and only ever done a few backflip tailwhips.
EDIT: thanks Dustin <3
and yeahh guys I totally get what you're saying, and it certainly isn't a 'stab' at BMXing but simply a joke, also the scootering is not a crime is more of a 'reference' to the original as opposed to it's own message. :]
The stickers have been checked, amended and some were disapproved (such as an Exposed Tour sticker, don't ask why) and as far as I know there won't be any more changes to them. Like I said before, it's great that people want these stickers and most of the feedback has been fairly good, and obviously if there's something which you think looks stupid and or don't like, you certainly don't have to use it
Thanks again guys, hoping to hear some more views.