Got my 180 bris back
in a run on two qps, bri air to 180 bar to 180 double to 180 downside to bar to fakie slider out
Bri airs on 3ft
360 doubles
Inverts cliccckeed
Double downside roll in to flatbank
Bar into scooterfakies
Bars out of scooterfakies
Bar to fakie to 360 pivot to fakie to halfcab to scooterfakie
bar to fakie to fakie bar to 360 pivot to fakie to halfcab bar
whip to fakie to halfcab whip out
180 bar to manny on qp
Bri to whips onefoot, damn i hate doing oppo whips after bris. means i have to land in regular instead of goofy.
Bar to front wheel grab
double bars out ramps
Clifton got a quad onefoot first try ever lol
Doubles of curbs
180 tripples just about airing out
bartwists, i cut my wrist doing a bartwist, i rolled my hand round and cos the end of my bars are sharp as it slit lol
everything i did with stocks back with my 15s.