
Bronze member
Havnt been here in a while been busy and havnt scooted much but i got
big tuck no handers
270 hip
double off curb
Bar into scooterfakies
Bars out of scooterfakies
Bar to fakie to 360 pivot to fakie to halfcab to scooterfakie
bar to fakie to fakie bar to 360 pivot to fakie to halfcab bar
whip to fakie to halfcab whip out
180 bar to manny on qp


i feel like such a noob for saying this.... compared to you lot doing your 360 backflip bris..

but downwhip to fakie :)
Bri to whips onefoot, damn i hate doing oppo whips after bris. means i have to land in regular instead of goofy.
Bar to front wheel grab
double bars out ramps
Clifton got a quad onefoot first try ever lol
Doubles of curbs
180 tripples just about airing out
bartwists, i cut my wrist doing a bartwist, i rolled my hand round and cos the end of my bars are sharp as it slit lol :(
everything i did with stocks back with my 15s.
Nothing today, got to the park rode for like 3 minutes and my dropouts snapped. I could ride them cos only 1 snapped but i didnt want to fall of haha.


i learnt to give scooters to kids who can tailwhip


Bronze member
180 tailwhip to halfcab bar out
double whips flat finally
180 dubwhips on flyout
almost got tripple whips flyout

need to learn 360 bars and whips :)
and davey that scoot looks well good but the kid doesnt look very enthusiastic
some stuff from a few days ago
bar to deck manny 6ft to manny in to bar to fakie on qp to bar out/slider
bar to deckmanny 4ft to manny in to 180 to fakie slider out
Airs over railing on 6ft
table airs over railing on 6ft
and tomorow im gonna finally land 360 bris and bri to whips, i hate landing oppo. also 360 whip to bars lol if im not gay.
Siicck sam,
Front bris
Backscooterflip whips 1 foot, i mean to do a back scooterflip but it spins a whip after for some reason
maybe gonna try some more stuff over the box today.