loooool i owned Jben lol i got double fingerwhips first try, and some other stuff cant remeber oh and i bent my rf bars oh yeh bar to double whip, whip to bar (sketchy) yh some other stuff too cant remeber though


my scooter is the one with wide bars and the custom stem in the middle and i got 360 no handers, 360 bris and bri airs lol :p


Bronze member
i am riding again now after i stepped on that needle but yeah i got a setch bar twist i have now got inward bris :) and i have just got all my good tricks back i shall get clips up when i get my pc back cause mine blew up, atm i am using the school computers lol


BST Moderator
Staff member
lol it wasn't first try Roo (at least I don't think it was)

@Steve: it doesn't fucking matter mate, jeez

and also I do :)
Tom Affleck said:
scootsteve said:
AlecT. said:
*snipped pics*

took this today when we were getting lunch lol, not really tricks but meh

and how many of these people actually need these parts?
no offence steve but you got RF bars, SR forks and eagles when all you do is gay flat stuff

i do close no flat at all any more lol

i do loads of street, and park now, you havent seen me in age lol


BST Moderator
Staff member
mad skillz, i might try that

Josh if you can learn those of out a QP at epic I will give you hella props ;)