(: , feel like shit so no riding today but tomorow and sunday should be good!
Y yamamsmells Member Sep 18, 2009 #3,321 , feel like shit so no riding today but tomorow and sunday should be good!
S scootsteve Member Sep 18, 2009 #3,322 im selling my rf basrt tommorow, and im sparying them so like i cant ride them tonight so il throw some stocks on haha
im selling my rf basrt tommorow, and im sparying them so like i cant ride them tonight so il throw some stocks on haha
U uk whip Lewis! Sep 18, 2009 #3,323 now going for a ride =] might chuck some clips up if my memory card can be found
joshrb Bronze member Sep 19, 2009 #3,325 lernt wallrides, barspins off stairs, grizzers off stairs, wallride to tailwhips, no handers on hip, barspins on hip, deck grab on hip, whips on hip all at stoke
lernt wallrides, barspins off stairs, grizzers off stairs, wallride to tailwhips, no handers on hip, barspins on hip, deck grab on hip, whips on hip all at stoke
Y yamamsmells Member Sep 19, 2009 #3,326 Tuck airs kinda, nearly had front bri over spine i wass damn achey bout it cudnt be arseed to ride lol
Tuck airs kinda, nearly had front bri over spine i wass damn achey bout it cudnt be arseed to ride lol
scooterd Member Sep 19, 2009 #3,327 got bar to whip airs today so happy lol i only ever landed like four flyout
U uk whip Lewis! Sep 20, 2009 #3,330 haha jonny that made me laugh, when it broke somebody says 'shithead' hahah
U uk whip Lewis! Sep 20, 2009 #3,331 im guna learn flips today=] lol edit: i broke my kicker, so i didnt lol...
U uk whip Lewis! Sep 20, 2009 #3,334 Learning hangs recently, got some alright ones but this sorta hurt..Click
R reuben furzedown Member Sep 20, 2009 #3,336 lmao lewis, nd please dont learn flips antil you can like ride ramps consistantly n stuff, will ruin your riding.
lmao lewis, nd please dont learn flips antil you can like ride ramps consistantly n stuff, will ruin your riding.
R reuben furzedown Member Sep 20, 2009 #3,337 lmao lewis, nd please dont learn flips antil you can like ride ramps consistantly n stuff, will ruin your riding.
lmao lewis, nd please dont learn flips antil you can like ride ramps consistantly n stuff, will ruin your riding.
U uk whip Lewis! Sep 20, 2009 #3,338 I can lol. i ride like 5/6 quaters nd halfpipes at my local and i can air and trick them
Tom Affleck Member Sep 20, 2009 #3,339 Lewis said: Learning hangs recently, got some alright ones but this sorta hurt..Click Click to expand... i love them ones haha, i go over the front to much and kinda just slap on the ground
Lewis said: Learning hangs recently, got some alright ones but this sorta hurt..Click Click to expand... i love them ones haha, i go over the front to much and kinda just slap on the ground