woo got my new metal cores

extremely quick garage session due to rain outside

and frontsliders bars out

went outside:
front sliders over 1 meter
front slider bar out
front slider whip out
opp. front slider

they skid so much haha

just did a normal slider and it was heaven, not just the normall long ones but the ones to get out of fakies

did it opp. aswell :)


If anyone sigs that I will kill them.
Like a powerslide on a skateboard AHHHHHHHH]
lol im such a noob sometimes
EDIT2: And gtfooooooo our section yankeeeeeeeee
im going to sig that jak muhahaha



went out got a 360 downside whip flat..... sketchy

and a first try line which consisted of a
whip to switch landing to bar to land in crossfoot to cross foooted bar to cross footed whip

whip to land switch to switch heelwhip land crossfoot to crossfoot bar to crossfoot whip to crossfoot opp. bar out

went to the park
got tripple first try
got fingerwhip first try
got bar to whip like 3rd try

got a bit higher on my airs out due to faster wheels
nice one steve, i forgot to post these but i learnt them the other day. opposite feeble on a ledge, 270 into bank, and i learnt 360 flat on bmx
Rode again, starting up riding again after a few months.
bar to bars consistant
oppo bars consistant
front bri 3rd try
bar to whip 2nd try
truck 2nd try
3 whip 2nd try
Invert airs agaaain and table airs higgh
Lots of tech stuff with mannys,barspins and all that bolllacks.
Had to take reinforcements off so my deck is proboly gonna snap ha and my wheels after like 3 years are finally dehubbing! damn it!
540 bank
540 flyout
So close to 720's got all the way round about 3 times but kept landing 1 foot on back of wheel. Lots of dead arses!
ahhhhhhh 720s ive landed one ever nd that was when i was on akte tour in cornwall did it on the jumpbox at mt hawke it felt so good landing them. when i met the locals sam (ssscooter) and louis falco, i said to sam i got a 720 earlier nd he said oh yeah there fun i felt so crap when he just bust one in my face up like a quarter i was like OMG but was fun seshing with all the riders there. such a shame i didnt get to meet you jondogg lol it just happened to be that 1 skatepark we didnt go to helston, coz people on tour with me didnt like metal parks lol