Bri hip really sketch, my foot was like just on lol. Ill try to get clips.
clean as from today!Rob Forman said:for me
sketchy inward bri's
bri late whip dialed
double whips flat back with my deck reinforcments
and just like 1/2 hour ago i set up my flatbank vertcal in my garden to make a wallride
wall ride whip out
wall ride (about 3 foot high)to fakie
then i put my kicker next to it
from kicker to wallride to whip out
from kicker to wallride to xride to half bar
witch steup is itRob Parkinson said:the big step up at works
the gap in spine room at works
finger whip small spine
larger airs
Rob Forman said:why arent you riding your other scooter, and yeah wich step up?