Graham Kimbell said:
what, whys sam commenting on how i posted tricks in this thread
you post every trick you land in here lol
I said actully i wonder if graham has posted his new tricks in uk thread because they r good!


kurtis said:
sweet 25sets are you insane.
nahh i havent done a 25 set...think id explode. i was just telling lewis to go for it cos he said there wasnt much street he could do, only huge gaps or something. :)
Biggest drop ive ever done is like 8ft. that felt like my scooter squashed like a can underneath me, but i think its cos i was going pretty slow, been better if it was like a stair set or something and had to go pretty fast.

Lewis said:
wtf chad, you're insane.
I had no idea you were so good
fuck me
180 whip late bar flat.. sick
Once you get whip late bars flat, there not that hard...Just make sure you get the late bar clean, otherwise you like dislocate a few fingers...

and today, i got a finger whip of a cerb! yaya! but i can do them flat on my old A :(


Steel Member
8 foot bleh, you can whip of the 6 ft wallride when you come to prissick! :)

also new tricks
hop up 2 foot ledge to manny to the next 2ft ledge and hop up that
barspin to front tiregrab
front tiregrab 180

on bike feeble to fakie in on 4fter


Il fooking 540 triple whip late bar late heelwhip to fakie manny to xride to fakie flat flair...
with ease rob, off the 6ft wallride.

DAMN! i just make my self feel bad.
scootsteve said:
Ozzy said:
180 fingerwhips on qps
Grind this long ledge at the works
barspin that big hip
Nothing much i just like flowing the works.

same here ozzy

i love that long ledge, get some combos on it
also have you tried putting that portable grind box ontop the bigger area wer that ledge is and gappin onto it, real fun
nah i saw it though it was just sitting near the spine with the like volcano gap in middle. I love works mini ramps though even though there sketchy as haha.


I broke my forks today :(
my last pair.

But luckly enough, i have my old A always set up, but with gay fooked forks so i dont want to set up my B with them.
went out in my street on old A
Learnt finger whips flat.
then in the next 5 mins, i got them up kerbs.
Then for 2 hours i was constantly practising front scoot's flat.
I got two! looped out of my first one, then slip out my second.
i landed aload one foot or on brake(then falling) but there gay.
I gave up after then cos my hands, heels and wrists are killing me...
someday i will get one
Sweet chad, i dont even get how to double flat i can never go high enough to get two whips round.
nyways i got, double downsides to oppo smith today
downside airs just about but they scare me haha.


Steel Member
jumped a 4 set, cos im ace.

this is doing my head in, there's like.. big 4 and 5 sets, and huge 19, 21 and 35 sets..
the 4 and 5s are pretty high, so it's jump them.. and.. that's it
+ flat is gay


Ozzy said:
Sweet chad, i dont even get how to double flat i can never go high enough to get two whips round.
nyways i got, double downsides to oppo smith today
downside airs just about but they scare me haha.

cams has been doing alot of flat doubles eversince he got back from manchester , there not incredibly hard, its just whenever i do em they look unbeliveably ugly :(


Ozzy said:
180 fingerwhips on qps
Grind this long ledge at the works
barspin that big hip
Nothing much i just like flowing the works.
i can do that, was my new trick when i went to the works i also got
360 the big box
360 the hip
some gap in the spine room

and i can do the big spine but i dont like it that much
at my park i can bar the box