New Trilogy Parts.


Steel Member
Forks look really weird, i know its to help with foot jams but still
all the other stuff looks ok but the deck should have box sides


i agree with derek. and i don't think a fork should be made especially for one trick. cheat mode. if you like footjams ride smxs? and full 1 piece deck is just overkill. far too expensive, when andrew has proven that any deck will eventually break, even if its fully billet


@r-ma you mean at skates? if so, i dont make those decisions. and it will be a while till they are out, let alone in the uk


i like bars and the forks iffy, as for the deck it looks strong but the deck is probly so expensive we might as well start gold plating our parts.. and theyd still be cheaper


Bronze member
its also about how much they pay the workers, where there factory is, how fast and what type the CNC machine is and of course the material.

Typically employee pay and location has little to nothing to do with the price of the part, as I think most shops just charge an hourly rate for machine time. I know that at our shop that can change anywhere from 45/hr - 300 /hr depending on which machine you're working with.