
hmm, cool lol

i realized one time someone called me cdub...for like the firs ttime in my life, i dindt mind it.

Big L

Steel Member
Lowg - Most of my biker friends call me this lol

Big L - Hahah Drew Bezanson and Ryan Gagnon, and some other moncton kids call me that, iunno hahah


The name is Margaret
laurence?!?! said:
well my last name is Dyson so you can imagine the hoover related jokes :(

but the guy who made up the dyson vacuums last name was dyson...
and the guy who made the hoover company last name was hoover

so i dunno thats kind of a lame thing to make fun of.


why is it always lil or big something something
why not every medium?
if i ever become i rapper im going to be medium zolof


Steel Member
some kids call me "TomBorsari"
except when they say it, they say it like "TomBersorry)
and idk
i guess it just kina stuck


bubba by my dad and my mite and squirt hockey teams back in the day because i guess im a large black man that loves his mama
but in reality im a medium sized white kid who loves his mama


Kyper: When I was younger I used to be absolutely obsessed with guns. This happened during the Beltway Sniper Attacks in Washington. My friends made a name for me that rhymed with Sniper. So I became Kyper the Sniper and it has stuck till this day.

Strudel: Kyle Rudolph is my full real name and when I played football in high school my coach called me Rudy. A kid from my grade who got expelled had a lisp and used to call me Strudy. So that caught on. Then one day we were talking about Toaster Strudels at lunch and that's how it morphed again. Haven't been called it since I graduated.

Manson: I picked this one up about a week into college. When I got there on the first day. A bunch of us were just chilling on the first floor in the lounge when an RA came in and started giving me shit. People who ride with me and know me know I have an extremely short temper and get angry pretty easily. Well this guy pissed me off really quick so I got up and grabbed the Iced Tea he was holding and threw it all over him and told him to shut up and stop bothering me. Then he went on to bitch at me and tell me if I ever did something like that again he would call campus police on me and he then left. After finding out about this story and due to my anger problems my friends have given me this nickname and honestly more people know me by this on Campus then my real name.

Mike Vallely: Cause I keep the skaters in check here in Arkansas. Lol. I think this one came up the first time I ever rode with Julian, Seth, and Andrew.