You guys dont understand. You fire a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, you violate the number one law. Yes, we will be fine a half hour after they fire it, but the implications and effects that it has will destroy too many lives, and too many countries. Quit being shortsighted and think of the big picture. We attack NK after a attempted nuclear attack, and suddenly the soviets and "communist" China are pissed. Think BIG PICTURE. Not only by firing a nuclear weapon do you potentially destroy an ecosystem and kill a bunch of people, but you tip the scales, the balance of power in the world. Quit talking about it like they try, and we squish them. America is a civilized country, actions would be taken, but as off his rocker as Kim is, he knows that we will play straight to his game, and not respond in turn. BIG PICTURE. This would not be a small scale event, that ends after we blow some stuff up. This is potentially the start of a new World War. Prepare accordingly.