If George Bush got a second term, I guarantee Obamas going to... Dammit.
Did you just fucking say that?
I am dissapointed son...
No, but on a serious note hes an idiot. Like seriously.
Newt 4lyf3
Most of his views are very intelligent. I've never seen or heard that.
intelligent huh?
"In America, religious belief is being challenged by a cultural elite trying to create a secularized America, in which God is driven out of public life." - newt gangrene. aka he wants religion to be pushed into our lives, just to put the icing on the shitcake.
theres a lot more. and yes he said that about his wife. google it.
so in conclusion, he's a moron and a scumbag
edit: i have to post this quote, it's too funny.
"Newt Gingrich said he's worried the United States could be “a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists,”
To be perfectly frank, from what i've seen, none of the Republican candidates are worth electing this time around. Bachmann? Cain? Newt? Fucking jokes. Cain, Bachmann and Perry all explicitly stated that God told them to run for President, and since then all 3 of them have withdrawn from the Presidential race. Except they haven't officially withdrawn, they've just "suspended" their presidential bids, which means that they are still legally allowed to accept campaign donations for the purpose of "exploritory endevours" which they claim are put into research to "determine electibility". All three of them are doing this to this day and it is a lie, it's a way to collect tax free money from the public and give nothing back. How America doesn't see through these people is absolutely amazing, and they repeat the process every 4 years.