OMG! New ASP news!


Silver Member

Yes, the photos of the Team and Standard bars are up.

We do have some sad news though.
Ryan Keong will be in hospital for the next 2 weeks, he has a collapsed lung and won't be able to manufacture (Obviously)
He will still be taking orders, but expect a minimum of a month wait to get your bars.

To order, follow the instructions on this page;

The ASP team is still open, closing on the 20th of April.
We've seen some great videos so far, lets keep them coming for your chance to become a part of this.
Team conditions :
To enter, please send the following information to
Video -
Your name -
Age -
State -
Your video will be viewed by the team and a decision made after the closing date, which is set at April 20th, 2009.

All our best wishes go out to Ryan, get better soon man.


Silver Member
I don't actually know alot of the story.
He just told me the other day that he had it, and he's going into hospital tomorrow (monday)
So yeah.
Hopefully all goes well, and he's out with this business up and running asap :)