One Piece Bars... waste of money?

Tom Cirbee

Super Moderator
Staff member
stocks wobble and fail when your try to barspin. theyre too light which gives them no momentum to spins


For you there fine stick to it. For more experenced riders they are good cos they are strongerr there is a breakage issue with stock bars. also there is a trend with them and they are more soild.
I personally like the weigh.

Yeah, the stock bar is to light. I also like the weight about it ;)


BST Moderator
Staff member
you called Proto Rider Alex Steadman a "noob", do you notice the huge flaw in what you've just said?


BST Moderator
Staff member
haha okay dude. Alex has been around the scene alot (ALOT) longer than you have.

your opinions Alex? xD

J dub

Bronze member
Umm... No

He just made you a very nice offer. I'd atleast say thank you for the offer and advice. It was good.

As far as Steadman being a Noob, he is a very experienced rider who has been in this scene longer than a lot of us. And once again, he had decent advice.


One piece bars are stronger, more solid, and don't look like shit unlike stockers, even widened stockers for that matter.