Operation facebook


Steel Member
i can understand why they would want to destroy Facebook, but why papal and stuff? why the pentagon? someone wanna fill me in?


Steel Member
This thread started out good and became pathetic, I just feel like the majority of the members on here are not able to understand the importance of this and that it will happen on Nov 5th (Not when you read the damn thread)

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
I understand releasing the information so early lets the fear and anticipation build, but wouldnt that also give people a good amount of time to try and prepare for anything?

Frank T

Silver Member
This thread started out good and became pathetic, I just feel like the majority of the members on here are not able to understand the importance of this and that it will happen on Nov 5th (Not when you read the damn thread)

what do you mean the importance, the importance of keeping our personal info safe if so i agree

100th post yay!!


Steel Member
I feel like whether or not they take down facebook, there will be about 2000 hard copies stored in unreachable locations. Them taking it down won't do much unless they destroy all the servers.


Steel Member
True. This is all about privacy and anonymity on the web though, and if there's any indication that personal privacy is being violated, which by the way probably is, by Facebook, then Anonymous has good reason and probably the ability to take down the site. Also, my cousin works in background checking and she was telling me about how everything on the Internet stays on the Internet. Forever. Even files you deleted of your 14 year old girlfriend's tits are still out there. This means you can't delete your Facebook, even if you deactivate it, and that means that Facebook can continue to access your information, even while you can't. And quite frankly, that's messed up.

J dub

Bronze member
No one has brought up the fact yet.... that perhaps that whole lil video was NOT created by anonymous, but rather a large troll. Wouldn't be the first time someone else has claimed to be them.... ever see the Westboro Baptist Church interview with Anonymous? They claimed they were hacked by them and made a big deal over it...and Anonymous had never even heard of them nor cared about them.

Just from observing how these guys run their operation... I'd be slightly confused why they would want to shut down Facebook. Doesn't really fit into their agenda but who knows. Even if it crashes, big whoop, it'll be back. Facebook has more money than some small countries and has IT gurus that are stupidly good, even if it were crashed, I give it less than 24 hours and it'll be back.

It's not even worth getting worked up over.
^ agree its dumb, this is y i dont have my phone number on here and even if they got it who cares people can change their emails and their numbers and move from places they live. So good luck with this lol ill be counting the days until nov 5th when it will go down in history lol for like 5 mins


Steel Member
Theres lots of reason why they would want to shut down facebook most people with i blind eye think that every popular site is good for us when in reality there not.