Order Comments

We try to listen to our customers requests when ordering online as much as we can. Sometimes they need special delivery instructions. Sometimes they want a few extra stickers. And sometimes... sometimes they ask us to draw on their boxes.

This one asked to draw a "steezy turtle" on the box.


We love our customers. Keep making FD proud to serve the scooter community!​

Victor C.

You guys should ship with USPS, because I want an Orion, but it's literally gonna cost me $200 in border fees...


Steel Member
We try to listen to our customers requests when ordering online as much as we can. Sometimes they need special delivery instructions. Sometimes they want a few extra stickers. And sometimes... sometimes they ask us to draw on their boxes.

This one asked to draw a "steezy turtle" on the box.


We love our customers. Keep making FD proud to serve the scooter community!​
damn i knew there was something i forgot to order!

Jack Cronin

Steel Member
we try to listen to our customers requests when ordering online as much as we can. Sometimes they need special delivery instructions. Sometimes they want a few extra stickers. And sometimes... Sometimes they ask us to draw on their boxes.

this one asked to draw a "steezy turtle" on the box.


we love our customers. Keep making fd proud to serve the scooter community!​

yesssss that was me i ordered sliders i didnt think you guys would do it


Bronze member
Freestyle Depot does it better than any other company. They really care about your experience with them and how you like your product.
Freestyle Depot does it better than any other company. They really care about your experience with them and how you like your product.

I'm also literally gonna order my next part from them and ask to do a rhino shredding. hahaha

:like: hahaha
cant wait till i get moneez, so i can ask for Andrew as Jesus, on a scooter.

Thanks for the support guys! We look forward to getting those requests!


BST Moderator
Staff member
I also have to agree. FD is being ran damn well. I live in the UK and when I accidentally duplicated an order on some Boxes.ltd stuff they gave me a phone call to sort it all out. Never had that from another retailers (not even in the UK).