Organ donation


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Doctors get more money if the patient lives. Not if they die.
I wonder what the doctor is gonna chose?


Steel Member
Half the time, people in car accidents are dead before ambulances even get there. Yes they can easily let you die, but that's not what they're payed to do. So unless they're fucked up in the head, they'll do everything they can to keep you alive.


What a great fuckin question. Generally I stay out of debates because I end up pissing a lot of people off.. but this is good.

Well it's truly hard to say. And the difference comes from doctor to doctor. I can only hope that the main goal of a doctor/surgeon is to save the life of their patient.

I'll come back to this topic when Im clear headed and not a bit tipsy. Great thread!


Staff member
fuck other people. unless i get my name stamped or tattooed on them somewhere obvious (like forehead or something) when they get my organs, then no, im not donating.

i want some credit for keeping someone alive.
even if i'm dead.

or just something funny.
"Sir we found a matching kidney to your blood type but there's a minor problem"
"Well, if you receive it the attorney of the deceased has stated you must get the word "penis" tattooed in 5 open places on your body and they cannot legally be removed"
"Well, ... fuck."