Parents, Privacy, Freedom, Rules in your houses.

since i dont go to school my mom doesnt let me do as much
during school hours i cant really go any were and the only person who's house i spend the night at is my girlfreinds.
and my mom hates tyler bonner and she thinks he does shrooms all the time


Shane Ryan said:
since i dont go to school my mom doesnt let me do as much
during school hours i cant really go any were and the only person who's house i spend the night at is my girlfreinds.
and my mom hates tyler bonner and she thinks he does shrooms all the time
hahahahahahahahahaahaaha for some reason I had a lolocaust reading that


you guys are all so lucky.
I gotta be in on school nights by 9, in by like 11 on weeknights unless im staying at someone elses house.
I have to mowe the lawn once a week, take out garbage, feed my cat, clean her litter, pick up my room, and tons of other shit.
Im not aloud to spend the night at girls houses, I get grounded if I get one D, to sum it all up my parents are total pricks.

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
NickGraham. said:
you guys are all so lucky.
I gotta be in on school nights by 9, in by like 11 on weeknights unless im staying at someone elses house.
I have to mowe the lawn once a week, take out garbage, feed my cat, clean her litter, pick up my room, and tons of other shit.
Im not aloud to spend the night at girls houses, I get grounded if I get one D, to sum it all up my parents are total pricks.
No they sound like good parents. That how my parents were until i got into college. They can't really hold you back from anything when your over 18 and you already know what the hell goes on in the real world.