Ti stuff. Simple as, i have money to buy good stuff, but it'd be good if the good stuff got better (lighter). Considering having some stuff made in Ti. or adopting some Ti BMX parts.
It would be nice for some actual research to be done aswell, rather than the whole hashing stuff up thing. Maybe some nice tubular forks rather than the square kind.
To be honest i don't care about specific parts. it would be nice to see a nice complete scooter. Like a decent deck (pro model/xt[i just got mine and i like it]) fully re-inforced with nice forks and bars (customiseable height [like when ordered]), with decent bearings[bones swiss], a decent headset, wheels and grips. because for the life of me i don't understand why scooters ship with Abec 5s, stock headsets and stock grips. (ETC...)