Riley Hughes
Steel Member
I sold my scooter and got a dirt scooter. Since then, I've had a lot of fun, and I hope this video captured that. Almost all of these clips are 6 months old or older... I was hoping to finish it before I left on my mission, but I ran out of time!
A shoutout to my homies for filming and riding with me. Robbie Cook didn't film any clips, but his name deserves to be on this video because he's such a good guy and inspiration.
I am going to Taiwan January 22nd to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will speak Mandarin Chinese and come back a new man! Hopefully I'll pick up another scooter then and you'll see more of me.
To anyone out there who watches this video and is looking for something more in life, I want to invite you to seek Jesus Christ. It has completely changed my life and turned me into a new person. Before I converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I didn't know what was true. I didn't know where I came from, why I am here on earth, or why I'm going after. Now I do. And you can too.