Yeah, but its also because I dress like a 'tard when I ride... Neon Bandana, fanny pack, ect...
Not funny
They see me rollin, they hating.
Not funny
Ya I my school all the hot girls think my scooter is sexy and all the guys i don't hang or are friends with are hate on me and calling me a fag until this one kid called me a fag when i was riding and i broke his nose, now he doesn't even look at me. Ha people think I'm a pussy cause I scoot.
If it is local skaters/Bikers don't take their ----- they think everyone on a scoot is a pussy because they feel that we are all pathetic, if you show them that you are not then nothing bad will come to you... I have gotten progressively WORSE in the past few months and none of the skaters at my local EVER talk shit about me because they know that I am a chill person.... Fuck I was even in a DansComp edit chilling with 2 of their riders, it is all about how people perceive you.
I dress like a moron when I ride street for shits n' gigs, and I love the odd looks that I get from nearly everyone, Including the pigs (cops).
Skaters and bikers that suck are the ones that talk shit..I have never once heard a pro say scootering is stupid..They actually think its the sickest thing ever...Its just the kids that suck that say stuff.