If the baby scs and the sr fork are in good shape i will give you 70 for both
No thanks
If the baby scs and the sr fork are in good shape i will give you 70 for both
ok cool the 19hi 20wide luckys are those 35 shipped to
trade a blue baby knuck for the lucky hics
what about 90 for both ?
how much for baby SCS and phoenix phork?
does the scs have the compression bolt , the compression clamp , starnut and shim ?
ok ill still probly buy the 19x18 inwards then would you make a slit for me when i get money
ok and did that deal fall or is it going to happen lmk ? if its not going to happen the black scs and the sr fork is mine ok
whats the cheapest phoenix i could get with a switchblade brake
ok can I see pic of scs and of sr fork ? if good give you 90 for both shipped