Its all personal choice. They can both be equally expensive, they are both different ball games.Im not sure what to do . I have Sony Vegas Pro 8 & 9 (I like 8 more) and i have photoshop elements 6.0, Photoshop CS3, and Photoshop CS4 . What is more fun to do ? and what is less expensive ?
filming usually takes a lot more time, money, and work. but in the end its sick.
photos are fun to shoot too though
Although this can be argued now with SD card and HDD cameras, filming can be longer in a lot of cases due to capturing and editing. Capturing takes as long as the footage you want on the computer to be played back. Editing requires rendering, exporting, compressing. Digital photography can be a lot quick, just connect the camera, grab the pics, pop in photoshop, fux wit it and boom ya done. 35mm photo is a different story.filing in itself dose not take more time at all. filming a video, may take longer but filming in general dosent take longer.
as for money, both activitys cost the same i would say depending on the equipment and gear you get of course, you can get a nice HD handy cam for about 500, aswell as a average DSLR camera.
if a picture is worth a 1000 words. how much is a video worth??