Planet Niburu?

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Kieran Mayhew


There have been many attempts at proving that "Planet X" does exist, and that it will collide with earth. However all of the FACTS provided with these arguments have been shunned and disproved.

2 theories (1983 IRAS, and 1992 Uncited NASA source) of Nibiru contradicted each other, one saying that this planet or object is 4-8 times the mass of the earth, and the other saying that the object is a brown dwarf, which would make it anywhere between 4770-25000 times the size of the earth.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Don't bring your arguments.

i am going to bring my arguments, and you know why? because if no one is skeptical, people end up like adam going around scaring people with some bs they found on youtube that has been debunked.

i don't have respect for people that go around installing pointless and unwarranted fear into the minds of young impressionable kids like 80% of this forum. this discussion is pointless and if you had any sense of morality you would stop discussing it as if it had any reasonable and logical basis and start discussing it as if it's a fairy tale, or stop discussing it all together. i believe in the freedom of speech but not in the freedom to brainwash people like i understand adam has done. apparently he has been convincing people that this is going to happen which is obvious by the amount of australian pro riders supporting this.

please shut up about it, its not going to happen, you're making yourselves look like gullible lunatics and at the same time scaring the children who come on here and lurk. discuss anything means discuss anything that isnt going to scare the crap out of little kids for no reason. this is sickening. get over it.

As you can clearly see, elenin=/= nibiru. in fact, nibiru doesnt even exist. elenin does, but its a 4km wide comet, not a dwarf planet. and it isnt coming anywhere near earth.

on top of that, it's probably going to disintegrate soon.

"“It really has been a beautiful little comet and it deserves a better fate than to be overhyped by doom-sayers,” said Musgrave."


(yes, this is 2 of my posts from one of the other delusional threads put together)


Bronze member
i am going to bring my arguments, and you know why? because if no one is skeptical, people end up like adam going around scaring people with some bs they found on youtube that has been debunked.

As you can clearly see, elenin=/= nibiru. in fact, nibiru doesnt even exist. elenin does, but its a 4km wide comet, not a dwarf planet. and it isnt coming anywhere near earth.

on top of that, it's probably going to disintegrate soon.

"“It really has been a beautiful little comet and it deserves a better fate than to be overhyped by doom-sayers,” said Musgrave."


anthony how did you get so smart lol

Kieran Mayhew

He reads up on things, and educates HIMSELF about the world. He doesn't expect intelligence to fall onto his lap.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
lol i just do research and don't believe every little ConspiRAZY theory that claims everyones being lied too.

which brings me to another thing, you people dismiss EVERY piece of evidence that is supported by legit facts because you claim they're all lies. if you can claim facts are lies just by looking at some youtube videos made be delusional lunatics, and use some BARELY coincidental stuff as evidence that you're right, and ignore people when it gets disproven, you don't deserve to be taken seriously at all. in fact, you deserve to be ridiculed.

don't like people laughing at your beliefs, don't have such funny beliefs.

there are 11 species of aliens. 9 of them, think of humans as cattles, and the most dominant race has planned world domination by 2019. a certain race abducts humans and takes the chemical in the brain that gets released when we dream and sells it as a drug on their home planet. their has been a SMALL gray alien working the pentagon since they captured him in 1937, people who have met him claim that he talks telepathically, in your own mind, in your own voice, and he knows what your about to ask before you ask. and they have a 490 year life span, with 1200 iq. there has been races of aliens living under the earth for thousands of years, tribes of LARGE greys live around oklahoma, back in 1979 the us air force was building an underground base and they stumbled across a city of large grays, the aliens then killed 71 out of 74, one person had his stomach cut open by a beam sent from the stomach of the large gray (they have som fucked up powers) was given cancer, no fingers, and not toes ,and there were troops sent in to fight those aliens after all that shit went down. there was reptilians living here up until about 1970 where they had to return home because their planet was under attack. the moon is crawling with aliens, appollo 20 was a mission to investigate an ancient spaceship on the moon, they even found a body

and these are some funny beliefs.. i mean, lmfao really?

i showed my mom and she burst out laughing...

Billie Rainbow

Silver Member
yeah man, the only problem is people are clung to their reality too tightly. its not even about giving up hope, its about LEARNING. it is too hard for some people to dig deeper than their brains can interpret, because right now our brains truly cannot handle the change, but why keep living in a matrix, when you can prepare your mind to really LEARN. the information age is now, the internet and the recent wave of technology that we think is so "revolutionary" is not by coincidence, and is surely not revolutionary. its the key to spread REAL knowledge. Humans on this planet although, will sometimes listen, but refuse to learn.

that is 100% true , if only everyone understood that haha

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
that is 100% true , if only everyone understood that haha

no, it's not 100% true. he is missing the ENTIRE reason nobody believes this.

theres 4 actually actually

1) theres no real evidence
2) all of your information comes from youtube
3) a lot of the coincidental evidence you mention isnt even true
4) you all sound utterly delusional

you make yourselves sound like complete nuts. instead of making these threads to preach and post annoyingly uneducated youtube videos, why don't you give us verifiable evidence from trustworthy non delusional sources that relates directly to your point?

on top of that you refuse to respond to anything anyone mentions with a reasonable and rational response, and instead resort to "everything the government says is a lie, the government controls everything, therefore everything is a lie"
this is NOT a good thing, this is anti-educational.. and im very pro education. adam even went on to say that school is a bunch of garbage, which would explain his utter lack of a decent educated understanding of reality.

i am going to bring my arguments, and you know why? because if no one is skeptical, people end up like adam going around scaring people with some bs they found on youtube that has been debunked.

i don't have respect for people that go around installing pointless and unwarranted fear into the minds of young impressionable kids like 80% of this forum. this discussion is pointless and if you had any sense of morality you would stop discussing it as if it had any reasonable and logical basis and start discussing it as if it's a fairy tale, or stop discussing it all together. i believe in the freedom of speech but not in the freedom to brainwash people like i understand adam has done. apparently he has been convincing people that this is going to happen which is obvious by the amount of australian pro riders supporting this.

please shut up about it, its not going to happen, you're making yourselves look like gullible lunatics and at the same time scaring the children who come on here and lurk. discuss anything means discuss anything that isnt going to scare the crap out of little kids for no reason. this is sickening. get over it.

As you can clearly see, elenin=/= nibiru. in fact, nibiru doesnt even exist. elenin does, but its a 4km wide comet, not a dwarf planet. and it isnt coming anywhere near earth.

on top of that, it's probably going to disintegrate soon.

"“It really has been a beautiful little comet and it deserves a better fate than to be overhyped by doom-sayers,” said Musgrave."


(yes, this is 2 of my posts from one of the other delusional threads put together)

lol i just do research and don't believe every little ConspiRAZY theory that claims everyones being lied too.

which brings me to another thing, you people dismiss EVERY piece of evidence that is supported by legit facts because you claim they're all lies. if you can claim facts are lies just by looking at some youtube videos made be delusional lunatics, and use some BARELY coincidental stuff as evidence that you're right, and ignore people when it gets disproven, you don't deserve to be taken seriously at all. in fact, you deserve to be ridiculed.

don't like people laughing at your beliefs, don't have such funny beliefs.

and these are some funny beliefs.. i mean, lmfao really?

i showed my mom and she burst out laughing...

you are delusional and you're dead set on bringing people down to your level... you're like door to door mormons but instead of preaching about a book you preach about doomsday videos on youtube. just stop.


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
I am saddened by this thread and lack of knowledge. IT WON'T HAPPEN.

"It's easy to lose an argument to a stupid person. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."


Staff member
Just because YOU believe this garbage does not mean that I want YOU to rub YOUR stupidity onto OUR members.


Next niburu thread will result in month bans Adam Rouse, Billie Rainbow, Luke Maff and whoever makes the damn thread as well.
I'm all for discussing topics that aren't stupid but this IS stupid so I'm against it. If someone made a thread saying "lets discuss ..." I can't even think of something as stupid as you guys

If you want anything on this forum, find a "conspiracy" thread and bump that but NO MORE NIBIRU THREADS.

If some other mod has a problem with me locking these know this: There is a rule for making stupid posts or spamming existing ones.
This is as stupid as it gets.
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