Please, when you have spare time...


shortyjordy said:
herman. said:
Daniel Barrett said:
herman. said:
dan--did u have 2 go in front of the youth aid council and did u get community service?


o thats beat i no that u talk 2 mike lewis and mike tiano and we all had 2 go in front of youth aid and almost had community service
why did you have to do that?
we were sittin at a school and we had scooters with us and a cop pulled up and he gave us sitations and he wrote we were grinding the rails and sumthin else so we were to close to the building it was really gay cuz nobody was even on a scooter or even moving we were sittin there while sum1 ate
it's cool. I think were going out front of acme sunday. FYI. I gave a kid from my school one and he's on the flo from Adio. with a micro scooter.