Someone tried to steal mine once. It was me and 2 other teenagers (about 17) at the skatepark at about 8PM. He kept asking me to ride my scooter and I kept telling him that I would let him later. All of a sudden his lift shows up but he doesn't care, he just keeps asking me to ride my scooter. I tell him that his ride is here and he doesn't have time because I'm about to leave. Then his mate comes from nowhere and pushes me from behind, they grab the scooter and start running for the car. I got up and chased the cunts (the car was about 50m away) and I managed to tackle one of them to the ground. It was on gravel, so I tackled him, hit him a few times and then picked up a bunch of rocks and pelted them at the car. The other guy got into the back of the car (with my scooter) and escaped, but I managed to smash the rear windscreen. I kept hitting the other guy, I would've hit him in the face 8-9 times when he was on the ground, and he started crying so I just got off of him and let him up. He knew he was fucked but he still ran away anyway.
I told the cops that what colour and model the car was, and that I managed to smash the rear window. Four days later and the cops rang, they spotted the car parked in a driveway, and they went and found my scooter hidden in his shed. They were questioning him and the police were just like 'all solved' and ----- but I was just like 'No, there was another guy'. They didn't end up finding him but I was happy with the result, I mean he got fucked up pretty bad and I got my scooter back.
I guess that was a random thing, but meh.