Political Discussion Thread


The name is Margaret
abortion, i dont like the fact that your killing a future behbeh, but its womens choice, there are too many humans, and if i made a mistake and had no means to take care of a child i would strongly consider it.

gun rights, background checks. i sometimes feel that i would like to own a small purse sized gun for protection but i live in nyc. but also i do not feel safe knowing other people have the ability to carry a gun not that theyre planning on killing me, but there are crazy people who havnt flipped just yet.
as for rifles and hunting shit, i feel its perfectly fine. BUT NOT LIKE FUCKIN ASSAULT RIFLES. thats not legal anyway, so yeah. so i hear from my dad, there are less home invasions in the south, b/c everyone and their mother owns a gun.

gay marriage, totally and completely for it. something that recently came into my head. why is it okay for you to legally change your sex but opp not to have bottom surgery, and legally marry, but gay couples cannot. i dont see why it freaks anyone out. it has been around forever. i understand that people disagree b/c in the bible it says its an abomination and they believe that god would not make something he didnt intend to happen.
but the bible was written by man. i know all the religious people in the world think it was made by god and the words were told to men to write... but honestly. men have made everything up, why is it not possible for you to believe that maybe it was mans error in writing it.

its hard to know gays and know the shit they are put through. you have no idea, none of you, they are some of the strongest people in the world, and i think theyre are just as beautiful.
BTW some animals have homosexual tendencies.

death penalty, i have noo idea. id rather the bastards suffer in the solitude of jail, but then i have to pay for it. also what if its the wrong guy?

iraq- im sick of it. they hate us, they dont want us there but what if were attacked? i mean america will throw down again, but shit. theyre a different culture democratizing them isnt gonna help them.

israel- this is a hard subject, b/c both sides are wrong. no one wants jews in their country and they have been persecuted over and over again but they literally decided ZION IS OUR HOMELAND AND IT SHOULDNT BELONG TO ARAB PALESTINE. so they pretty much flooded in decided to make a government the UN agreed and they kicked out palestinians b/c everybody knew they wouldnt get along religiously. SO yeah i think Israeli gov is fuckedup and the US LOVES to supply them with the coolest weaponry ever so maybe one day we can borrow it back, and YEAH i think blowing up innocent people and having child marters is insanely terrible.
there wont be peace. i dont have anything against jews not ever, but its not our war. that place can never be at peace.

economoy were fucked, teveryone is a greedy bastard, i cant even pay for a good education. people jack the prices of things to 6 to infinity times to waht theyre really worth. this is why were fucked.


Super Moderator
Staff member
i kinda agree with you and im chrstian.
but still.
people are gonna have sex.
deal with it.
dont be stupid. but yeah now that abortion is legal it doesnt matter.


The name is Margaret
if abortion isnt legal, your gonna hve more dead babies in the garbage, dead girls with bloody hangers, and suicide. just as much carnage. THEEND


Steel Member
jules said:
well in the first place the purpose of sex is to make a baby. so if that happens that is not an accident that what was meant to happen. the irresponsibility is in the fact that she was taking those chances with her future by having sex in the first place. IMO people should wait until marriage before having sex not only in accordance with my religion but also it erases all the complications of pregnancy

well not to bash your religion, but life doesnt follow peoples religions. religion was invented, the way humans work wasnt. people do have sex before marriage and humans do biologically get pleasure from it, it is not simply for reproduction.

jaamess said:
i think cody is an idiot.
its a fuking scooter forum

i will take that as a compliment


The name is Margaret
id like to throw in that a lot of you kids are christian.
and you are so fucking hypocritical, shit ceases to amaze me.

if you are not religious, and you say this shit that bashes other people, you actually dont have morals and your opinions are worthless.

like benthompson. i dont know you but on the gay part. so your homaphobic, then you ought to either seek help to mildly get over it or refrain from doing stupid shit that will lead to jail time.
if youre a christian (practicing) which i would have to assume you are since your from aussie, then you obviously cannot forgive "sinners" like the christ youre supposed to believe in.

and if youre a none believer, you just suck, your ignorant, and are prejudice.


The name is Margaret
PS i hate these threads. because it shows me how fucking uneducated people really are, and makes me wonder how the world remotely runs.


BenThompson said:
gay marriage: I am a cronic homophobic
i almost vomit when i see gay people
i honestly think anybody whom is openly gay should face the death sentence
about a year ago i got grounded for punching my sisters gay friend in the face, lol
wow i lost all respect for you.


k well in response to what margaret said: obviously people aren't perfect and so if we go around judging religions by people's behaviors we are going to find some serious flaws. i myself probably don't set a very good example for others to judge christianity by
i'm not saying be christian i'm just saying don't judge the religion by the actions of imperfect followers


I got myself banned.
going back to tommys comment about public execution i think that's a REALLY good idea, and that it should happen a lot.

im almost positive you all know about the roman coliseum. they used it for mutliple purposes, so many people died there that they had devices that sprayed perfume throughout the stands to get rid of the smell of dead bodies.

all the romans knew what happened if you did something wrong, and they were familiar with death, and they would look at that basically thinking, 1) i don't wanna die, 2) i dont wanna die publically because it would bring shame to my family name (which doesnt really apply to that instance here)

i don't really know where im going with this but i think it's a very good idea, basically i think the roman's had a good system going and that since so many people were used to death after seeing hundreds of people die per day as a sport they would behave and not be executed haha

oh well


idk i wouldnt want my kids growing up around that kind of stuff. it would just teach people to fear higher monarchy.


I got myself banned.
it's not fearing a higher monarchy, it's teaching you to follow the rules? if you break the law, you should get what you deserve.

i honestly think these days way too many people are so over-reacting and over protecting of children, i understand if their parents beat them senselessly something should be done, but if you're going to make a huge deal out of a little discipline that's pretty stupid. same with sports and stuff like that, if your kid scrapes his knee it's not the end of the world, no need to over react, he doesn't need to wear knee pads if he's playing wiffleball in the middle of the street

get what i meannn

another example.
bike riding: there's been a few stories where kids who werent wearing their helmets got seriously fucked up or died. so now there's a law that you have to wear a helmet on a bike under the age of 18 (i think?). so because of a few cases where the KIDS made mistakes and weren't paying attention, the over-reacting parent sues whoever he/she can sue, and get's money and a new law .

i just think it's fucked up but whatever
zolof said:
BenThompson said:
gay marriage: I am a cronic homophobic
i almost vomit when i see gay people
i honestly think anybody whom is openly gay should face the death sentence
about a year ago i got grounded for punching my sisters gay friend in the face, lol
wow i lost all respect for you.
i really dont care if i lose respect from anybody about what i said just than
its my point of view and i really dont care what anybody thinks about it
i still think homosexuality is like worse 'sin' ever
and i am in every way not religious
Margaret said:
like benthompson. i dont know you but on the gay part. so your homaphobic, then you ought to either seek help to mildly get over it or refrain from doing stupid shit that will lead to jail time.
if youre a christian (practicing) which i would have to assume you are since your from aussie, then you obviously cannot forgive "sinners" like the christ youre supposed to believe in.

and if youre a none believer, you just suck, your ignorant, and are prejudice.
not like i hit the guy over impulse
he brought hes fucking boyfriend over to my familys house and start kissing him right infront of me
showing such little respect for me and my beliefs
in a way it was a reaction to my sisters inconsitterence
but still i dont care if you think i suck, or im ignorant or im prejudice
i still hate stupid fucking homosexuals


Ben, its fine to have opinions that conflict other peoples. Its just the way people are. We all got brains, and can think whatever we please. But just be a little more carefull how you say somethings on a public forum.

Even though everyone has different beliefs and opinions. You still got to try and be respectful about such things.