[poll] parks that dont let scooters

are you pissed about this too?

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ojfross said:
i hate laws that are stupid. im prittty sure we all no about me and that one cop haha. all cause i ride a scooter. its clost to $1500 fine if i get caught thare again.
Haha I must have watched that like 578 times. So classic.


ok i think that the city of those skateparks doesnt want to have more work to do cuz if they allow scooters they have to get permits or something. w.e. it just means more work for the city and stuff. but i dont care, radtke and illig got diamond bar to allow scooters so its all good (for me)
You guys do realize most of these parks don't let you in for a very good reason that someone already mentioned. It's not they are hating on the sport. They simply do not have insurance for it. So if one of you were to get hurt in the park, you could sue the park and win because they are not insured or have anything in their contract about scooters. The people that do let you in most likely don't care, or they have a more general contract that states that just using the facility at all, with anything, is under insurance and people do so at their own risk.


There are some parks here that dont let scooters in but we ride them anyways. All they did was kick us out usualy but one time we got arested cause my retarted friend broke the fence
man there are some amazing skate parks like 20-30 miles away that would be a dream to ride but they dont allow scooters it pisses me off so much sk8ters get soo many parks
well over spring break i emailed apark about scooters and they said "No, we don't allow scooters in because scooters are too heavy and the wood is light and it will damage our ramps." Which i doubt will happen

i know same thing to me i asked this skate park they said no cuz the would will get messed up i dont understand there are big heavier guys that ride that park on skateboards that could mess up the wood even worse


i think that it is because little 5 year olds that cant bunnyhop get in peoples way and skaters complain


Steel Member
i went to oregon once and i got kicked out of a skatepark but i just went back at night when no one is there but i live in california and get to go to clairmont were they had SD4