PowerBalance\Equalibryum wristbands, Scam or Real?


Steel Member
If it doesnt exist they can claim it. I can say my scooter has light energy charged electrons and sell it for $100000, its a damn scooter but becaise i left it outsode it got lightified. Technically they can do it

Bear Grylls

If it doesnt exist they can claim it. I can say my scooter has light energy charged electrons and sell it for $100000, its a damn scooter but becaise i left it outsode it got lightified. Technically they can do it



Steel Member
It's all in your head. It's just like when people have lucky numbers and other stuff. But that belief can give you confidence which may actually help you. But it does not help you physically directly. It would help you just as much with a bit of string if you believed in It haha.


Staff member
Anthony try not to rape every thread with walls of text
And bennet please tone it down a bit outside of gentlemens discussion.

My thoughts on the band are pretty much the same as everyone else. It's a band. Not magical or useful.

Dom Marconi

Silver Member
"Equalibryum bands have light energy frequency embedded into the holograms. We also have titanium infused silicone to add increased blood flow."

Light energy frequency... ok first of all theres no such thing as a light energy frequency, and if these things did in fact give off light energy, they would glow, which they dont. second of all you can't embed energy into something, energy isnt something that can be embedded. It has to be charged (or it has to already be there like the stored energy in gasoline) and stored into something, which would have to be a little more substantial than a sticker, and the laws of thermodynamics clearly state that energy will dissipate even if whatever is holding the charge isnt being used for something energy intensive. a metallic sticker would probably hold enough energy to last a fraction of a millisecond, and that isnt light energy. obviously if a metallic object was giving off light energy it would be hot as hell and.. it would be lit, there would be light coming out.

The first sentence about light states that the FREQUENCY of light energy is embedded in the hologram. It's saying that it will resonate at the same frequency as light. It never states that there is any energy embedded in the hologram. In that case, it's basically saying it's a hologram, because all holograms have "light energy frequency" embedded into it. Everything else you said was pretty accurate though.