project: custom metalcores is over =[ update on p.38

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eric magray said:
Pirate Alex said:
I can't wait, I don't want to run one on the front though because I'll slider it to death haha, and I only really want to go fast on manuals with my ceramic bearings. But then my ceramic bearings will break! Life is a bitch.
no way man, theyll be fine. i know its harder to believe but they are stronger than stainless steel. people just think they will break cause when you think of ceramic you think of like dishes or plates and stuff for eating off of. but this is different; youre not gonna break them.
Actually I was talking about how metal cores mess up your bearings since they're metal and all.



some shitty newss guys,
metalcores won't be around the usa for a while, my contact from just informed me that eric rabl ruined the hole deal. We went straight to the manufacturer's for the full metalcore wheels and had a plan set for buying 200 pairs from them for a much cheaper price, from what i was told eric told them not to sell them to us because he wanted us to buy them from him at a higher price so The original manufacturers said no deal and buying them from eric would make the wheels around 80 dollars a pair which no one wants,

so heres the new plan, lee is going to make a plan with a urathane manufacturer and have them pour the urathane for us and the wheels will be around 15-20 dollars a pair which is great. The problem with micro metalcores is that there so pricey the idea of repouring the urathane comes in mind if they dehub, which we could do if eric didn't go and tell the original manufacturers not too, with these new wheels they are going to be the best once we have the design down and we have a huge batch made.

me and Greg Cohen (hep greg) are going to be testing these wheels once they have a few pairs made and mainly it's just going to take time to get them perfect, just think when there done there going to be the best wheel ever, designed by riders and most likely there going to be done by the end of the year and in full production.

this might seem like a really complicated situiation but it's really not, eric fucked it up, so now were taking it into our own hands.

sorry for making it so long!
I think what hes saying is eric sucks and wont let us get metal cores cheap, so there talking to the urathane guy for the metal cores to see if they can get it poured onto a plastic core? Or there making their own metal core then pouring the urathane onto it? So they will be cheaper but still run the same because its the same urathane. Correct me if im wrong.


were making our own metalcores.
no putdowns but eric does suck right now.
these wheels will be better, cheaper and cooler.
all in time my boys, all in tme.

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
i just now read this entire thread because i finally got a good idea of waht was going on today when you were on the phone with lee<3 thanks a ton for getting this to where it is zak, even if its a wait, getting wheels worth riding in the long run will be great. i mean if i have to wait all summer and fall for it ill be alright, i can deal with some cracked chunky yaks


thank you bk<33 and yeah this hole best wheel idea just came up today, and no matter what a new wheel will come out of this. Which will be good, not even good, great.

and im really sorry for the wait =[ but trust me the wait is worth it.
just hang in guys.

plus there might even be a cool design on them =]

Hep Greg

woot i get to test em =]

that sucks that eric's being a party pooper... but i dont mind some free wheels to test out. should be an interestng process.


Be sure to keep them about as hard as micros (but not too hard so they silde), i <3 hard wheels! $20 a pair is teh AWESOME!!


Hep Greg said:
Alex Peasley said:
ill test the wheels out on some street and shit and ill actaully see how much shit it can take.

lol 'scuse meh? that's my job there, buddy. =]

ahhh, are you trying to say that you are a better street rider than the P, cause if you are, your a big idoit


well also greg, talk to lee he wants us to try another pair of wheels for him the richard humpfrey wheels, email him about them he said he would ship a free pair out to you, i got mine on my way.

also thats what the testing phase is for, dehubing is a huge problem and thats one we are going to solve.
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