PROTO Scooters: TDI & UBS Debut 2010


Bronze member
great ideas... i noticed the old bolted pro faired better than the welded one piece types.goes to show for the rider on a budget the pro model is still where its at imo .

Thom Cat

Silver Member

Okay one question. If drilling a hole for the brake in the back makes the deck week, then Why would any one drill a hole at the main stress point of the deck?? this is a contradiction, Im not hatin, but I have already thought of this, and if i took one of my decks and drilled a hole right there it would ruin the deck


Thom, I see where you're coming from, but the walls of the deck are really thick and since the tunglock is at the base of the deck the pressure is distributed throughout the deck. Unlike a Pro, old A, or a District.
i noticed the old bolted pro faired better than the welded one piece types
Definitely not haha.


the bolt for a brake puts stress on the deck because its not pinching anything and tightening on the other side wall. the bolts in the front are okee dokee because they are tightening to a solid and not just stessing a deck from one side to the other. i think not tightening brakes too hard solves this.

Mr. Proto

Okay one question. If drilling a hole for the brake in the back makes the deck week, then Why would any one drill a hole at the main stress point of the deck?? this is a contradiction, Im not hatin, but I have already thought of this, and if i took one of my decks and drilled a hole right there it would ruin the deck

If the neck was mounted with bolts alone then yes, it would be an issue, however, the entire thickness of the deck is supported by the tongue and groove so there is hardly any stress at those points and depending on the configuration of each component, they compliment and reinforce one another. As long as the neck insert goes deeper into the deck than the last hole while still interlocking with the deck then it effectively transfers all of the pressure to an entirely different part of the deck similar to the concept of a drop out saver for old style brake pins.

to everyone else

Don't get me wrong though these decks will still eventually break like ALL other decks... maybe where you have pointed out, maybe in the back from grinding. I have accepted that but if I can produce a deck comparable in strength with interchangeable necks then replacing just deck footplates will be a fraction of the cost and fully customizable for riders which is what this system is all about... giving riders limitless options at an affordable price.

If you want to draw a comparison you could say a one piece deck is the equivalent to a skateboard with the trucks permanently attached. ALL skateboard decks are bound to either crack, de-laminate or lose pop over time, at which time you UN-BOLT your trucks and put them on a new deck... could you imagine having to replace your entire set-up every time if you were a skater? Nah.

The TDI system is going to make it possible for anyone with a little money and a good idea to release their own compatible decks and/or necks. Any length, any width, any concave, any thickness, any angle, square, round, peg compatible, etc. Basically every deck on the market right now could very easily be re-engineered to be TDI compatible.

If there were only 10 different TDI necks on the market and 10 TDI decks there would in essence be 100 different options for riders to choose from. It opens up a whole new realm of product development that, until now, was not possible... think about it.


Mr proto... I understand what you say about other companies being able to produce a neck/deck to have options but, won't proto patents on this make that impossible for them to do?


Mr proto... I understand what you say about other companies being able to produce a neck/deck to have options but, won't proto patents on this make that impossible for them to do?
Hmm... They probably wont because they want the scooting scene to get better...

If all decks has TDI, then they would be stronger, lighter and cheaper.

Then again, they made it so they might :). Cant wait for this deck. Only worry with me is the 2 joints were the headtube goes into the deck might get a small wobble after a while. It might not too, i guess its just wait and see.


Staff member
i feel like everyone forgets that this went through months of mega ramp usage and doesnt wobble/have cracks...


^Yeah no joke, this deck is going to be phenomenal

I can't believe that this deck is going to be lighter than a phoenix though, that is incredible.


^Yeah no joke, this deck is going to be phenomenal

I can't believe that this deck is going to be lighter than a phoenix though, that is incredible.

this is gonna knock feenicks out of the water
lighter, stronger, better company, cooler owner, cooler looks, and CHEAPER

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
i feel like everyone forgets that this went through months of mega ramp usage and doesnt wobble/have cracks...
Yeah but think of how much stress your putting on the deck when your landing stuff on the megaramp... probably not much. Riding tranny is no way to stress test a deck. I bet the worst beating it got was when the scooter was lost and fell, which I doubt would do much damage to any deck. Mckeen could probably put more stress on that deck in a day riding street then he did to it on the megaramp.

edy boi

2 problems the video it looked as if the whole top of the deck was like in strips ? wich would create an akward feel

2. brake does seem to sit pretty high

besides this i can still see myself buying one it seems like a pretty clever idea. cant wait for them to be released !