Brian Boston said:Matthew Madera said:well if anyone in here new anything
http:// photos-e.ak.fbcdn. net /hphotos-ak-snc1/hs214.snc1/8120_142118231224_628276224_2646580_6046880_n.jpg
http:// photos-b.ak.fbcdn. net /hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8718_120138552853_561892853_2388593_4092089_n.jpg
from face book.
any ways if u looked at the ]
You really think i would be hiding that they are from facebook? Its WHOS facebook they came from, so every kid on here doesn't go blow him up with adds so they can see the pictures... if you knew anything, im trying to keep his private life private, use your brain.
o well i know where they are from. you just made it sound like it was a secret location.
Devin (Take 2) said:WOW protos almost as died as french id lol
Chr.Platou said:Devin (Take 2) said:WOW protos almost as dead as french id lol
You shuldn't talk so much take 2 guy...
lmaoooooooBrian Boston said:Murphy your the last one i would except to call someone out on their spelling, hahaha
Matt Dibble said:Matt Dibble said:I realize you're probably really busy Andrew, but have you had a chance to check your e-mail in the past week or so? I sent something the 11th. No hugeee rush, but looking for a response at your earliest convenience haha.
I love proto and i ride there parts you all have seen my scooter.Devin (Take 2) said:WOW protos almost as died as french id lol
and you have room to talk why?Chr.Platou said:Devin (Take 2) said:WOW protos almost as died as french id lol
You shuldn't talk so much take 2 guy...