PROTO scooters


EnDub Step
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

i rode with cory tonight and he told me all bout it its suuuper legit footy and the place was baller tooo we have to ride it agian with tranny riderssssss :)
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Brian Boston said:
Matthew Madera said:
well if anyone in here new anything

http:// photos-e.ak.fbcdn. net /hphotos-ak-snc1/hs214.snc1/8120_142118231224_628276224_2646580_6046880_n.jpg


http:// photos-b.ak.fbcdn. net /hphotos-ak-snc1/hs220.snc1/8718_120138552853_561892853_2388593_4092089_n.jpg

from face book.

any ways if u looked at the ]
You really think i would be hiding that they are from facebook? Its WHOS facebook they came from, so every kid on here doesn't go blow him up with adds so they can see the pictures... if you knew anything, im trying to keep his private life private, use your brain.

o well i know where they are from. you just made it sound like it was a secret location.


PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

does anyone kno when the proto baby slayers and scs clamps are in stock and does the baby scs come in black and do they have powdercoat purple bars for slayers???? plz reply i needa kno


Staff member
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

At least when you buy from Proto / FrID you get the things you pay for.

Matt Dibble

Staff member
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Matt Dibble said:
Matt Dibble said:
I realize you're probably really busy Andrew, but have you had a chance to check your e-mail in the past week or so? I sent something the 11th. No hugeee rush, but looking for a response at your earliest convenience haha.

It's been almost a month. I understand you're busy, but I'd really appreciate a response asap.
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Devin (Take 2) said:
WOW protos almost as died as french id lol
I love proto and i ride there parts you all have seen my scooter.
Im not the take 2 guy lol im just sponcered by them.
And if your asking why im not riding there forks its because they havent made threadless forks yet.