PROTO scooters


baby scs different colors in stock an half knuckles different colors in stock buy em all quick lol (idk if this was posted but if it was my bad if it wasnt maybe andrew was just to busy tryin to find new creative ways to satisfy the scooter community)

Peter Luce

Bronze member
So if there will be 28 different combinations available for the wheels, then what will the other 2 urathane colors be? We got white and brown so far, unless you're gunna get rid of the brown because I don't really see it fitting with any of the core colors?
deathstars look so sick i think i might actually have to buy one in the gripper form for the front. they look like no strength is sacrificed either


you gotta be fucking kidding me, the black baby scs is already sold out... <_< andrew please tell me this is a glitch or something I worked today and didn't have the time to buy it



That would be legit if santa brought all the proto parts to SR on christmas and they where all in stock, also including the proto deck.
Make Red Urethene, with black core or something like that, haha or just Red anywhere on the wheel, that would be sexy, btw Neon colors ftw

Also please please please make a baby scs thats red,