PROTO scooters


BLACK ON BLACK IS SOOO FUCKING ICY, FULL CORE AND SPOKED I CANT CHOOSE!! i would prolly get spoked in front and full in back. fucking DANK shit right there bros! i like what im seeing!


Buff. I ordered crows. December 19th Saturday. I'm wondering if you shipped yet or are you shipping stuff after Sd4. I hope i get them soon...

Mr. Proto

One more small update for Xmas!

Just finished welding the first production set this morning... This will probably be the last major product update for the year so hopefully you guys are as psyched on it as we are cause we spent a lot of time redesigning these: (We will be getting them powdercoated in January but for the initial release they will come raw for those who want them immediately or can't/don't want to wait.)

PROTO - SenioR Forks (Final)


Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a great New Year!

<3 Andrew


Steel Member
yoo andrew that tattoo looks fucking sweet haha. and i cant wait to get ahold of some proto sliders im def. gonna use a slider for a FW and gripper for a BW

Riley Hughes

Steel Member
auugh sooo sexxy <33
its gonna take all my willpower not to buy one. actually, i'll still probably buy one.
the hardest part is finding out which one i want...