PROTO scooters


Super Geek
Staff member
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Tommy Napolitan said:
buff cracked his headtube in NYC
That is so Buff-like thing to do, he always cracks his headtubes on trips.


PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Buffs scooter was way to solid, i rode it for a few minutes and i was like damn. Maybe if it wasn't so damn wide i would have loved it lol.
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Casey said:
i think the protos might be dehubbing so fast because people arent bothering to break them in like there supposed to, dont ride the wheels in the back for the first couple of weeks, and dont do fakey sliders for a couple weeks and your wheels will last forever, i have a friend riding one from the first batch and its just starting to dehub.
Buff said they don't have to be broken in...
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

Byron Barger said:
Buffs scooter was way to solid, i rode it for a few minutes and i was like damn. Maybe if it wasn't so damn wide i would have loved it lol.
20 wide? not that big of a deal


PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

take2industries said:
When is the baby scs going to come out.?
i was actually wondering the same thing, im getting normal SCS but the baby SCS seem lighter but maybe not as strong?
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

I was told I'm deliberately calling people out, and was warned.
I' under the assumption that that Jordan was referring to Buff because he was the only one I was "calling out". I fuckingg love how everyone can bash Eagle, yet you criticize Proto just the slightest bit it's over. You're banned. I'm done with this is the last post I will ever make in this thread. Good luck to the company.


PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

KyleTolentino. said:
I was told I'm deliberately calling people out, and was warned.
I' under the assumption that that Jordan was referring to Buff because he was the only one I was "calling out". I fuckingg love how everyone can bash Eagle, yet you criticize Proto just the slightest bit it's over. You're banned. I'm done with this is the last post I will ever make in this thread. Good luck to the company.

Dude that was probably the most lame thing you could say, john radtke bashed the shit out of andrew without getting banned. People say shit about proto all the time, same with eagle. There is always gonna be people complaining, you gotta learn to deal with it yourself and stop getting people to all yell about stuff, like i said message andrew yourself for god sakes.

Brandon, i seriously can not ride wide bars, haha.
PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

i was thinking buff was going to be using his own deck? did it break/bend? and also i think the deck are going to be out this winter (before christmas).