Hunter Treviranus
Silver Member
what would you trade for my black v2i?
And idk what do u want
Like what small?i have a black baby scs. i want the half knuckle and maybe something small, its almost brand new.
what would you trade for my black v2i?
Like what small?i have a black baby scs. i want the half knuckle and maybe something small, its almost brand new.
what would you throw in?
I need money
ill buy the wheels pm me
Pic or recipt?I shall give you one almost new jon reyes slider, and one completely donut dehubbed slider with the receipt for your green sliderssooo you can go to the proto shop and get a refund.
i want the half nuck and sliders to match, do you fit 10's?
i have a tsi 5.0 flowmaster amazing shape no cracks i got used for two months and got a phoenix and ive never really used since its painted black and the under side of deck plate is purple if your interested
i have a v2i, what are you willing to trade for?
How much for vertx forks?
and wheels are free with vertex forks??