Proto Tattoo thread

J dub

Bronze member
how does it make you a poser?

Having the proto star tat doesn't make you a poser. Sorry if that came across like that.

Poser as in a bunch of kids getting them because they think they're "cool" or "OG", when they're really 17 year old kids trying to look badass by putting a logo on them, cuz a few OGs did it.

It's like kickless rewinds right now. They were sick until every snot nosed kid starting doing them just cuz they're "in".

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
But isn't it a cool tattoo? Proto is definitely one of the coolest companies. But yea I get how some kids might only get them because everybody else is getting one.
Yee stoked on the tats. Been trying to get something Babboon/scooter oriented for days. Prob gonna be something from more my era of riding. You know like a Razor blade thing. haha. Deff gonna rep RAD cause there OG and will always bring back good memories. and I was riding rad bars way before any other aftermarket part came out. But whatev. Proto is the shit can't beat the wheels and the dedication to the sport!


Steel Member


Steel Member
it's a hard place to put a circle, it looks fucking great to me and I'm stoked, I can't wait to look back at it when I'm 80 and remember all the fun I had riding, all the trips I took, all the people I met, and the feeling that will last forever


Steel Member
haha I was waiting for someone to say that, this is for me to look at, when I'm sitting down it's right side up


Silver Member
Wow I honestly hadn't realized doing this had a following. I seriously thought I was the first to want to do this. Well discovering this doesn't change my mind I want a smallish star somewhere. Possibly on the inside of my forearm.