Dom Marconi
Silver Member

cant wait for mine to ship
sheeeiit look at my post count
TylerBromwell. said:when are the forks being shipped ive been waiting for a while???!
Cameron Mahon said:will you guys ship vulture bars to england and if soo how much would shipping be ruffly?
Joe D. said:I ordered raw , rad og bars 1 1/4 - 22 by 18
How long does it take for you guy's to make them and ship them out?
Except Fly bearings.Conor Davidson said:Yes, however all integrated headsets that fit these headtubes (campy spec, 45/45 bearings) will use the same crownrace.Tyler Wheeland. said:wait this is gonnna be stupid... but integrated needs a new crown race to right?
coryM said:Sorry guys. I have quite a few orders and I am starting to fall behind. I cant really give ANY specific order info here, you will have to email me WITH YOUR ORDER NUMBER.
Im a about a week and a half behind so expect 3-4 weeks on orders. I shpould be caught up in the next couple weeks. And I am sending a free shirt in with any orders that have taken over 3 weeks to ship.
^^V3s should ship sooner plus ur close so it wont take long in the mail.