Matt Ogle

1/2 of it was some cool stuff, but the other half was just normal stuff you always see at that skatepark.

but for the cool stuff, that bri rewind thing was SO cool haha never even though of it. 270 bri looked good. buttercup, 180 bri double. haha every cool trick is a bri. and fairly good nose manny's too.

good video man, work on rails and stuff though if you want to balance your riding. if not though, stick with what your doing cuz your good at it <3

Spencer Steed

Steel Member
loved the bar on top of the ledge to just out of no where bri off the other side lol

such a sick video and what was up with the bri rewind?!!?!

keep it up


Steel Member
fuck! i thought of that scooter flip rewind so long ago, tried it so many times and never got it. Im pissed right now. Super bri was beautiful.


that was sick everything was so smooth
haha jackson showed me how he was going to do the scooterflip rewind and i was like hahaha thats gonna look hell gay
but it looks heaps sick


Steel Member
i dont understand why people have "throwaway videos" but with their best tricks and footage instead of minivideos or something else.. its the same thing but trying to make it sound like your better or something cause thats your "throwaway"..? it looked like you put some time and effort into it so its not quite throwaway.. im not just trying to bash on you either please dont take this personal.

haha the riding was rad. your really good at park! i enjoyed a lot and keep it up = )