Razor Dirt Scooter.

Bear Grylls

Word, phase two is perfect.
The bars are a little short for me, but not like back hurting short. Going to throw my tapered suicides on it and see how it is

Garrett B

Steel Member
Haha, I don't have 250 to spend on a dirt scoot anyway. I was just saying a longer deck would be more suited to me.

Bear Grylls

New grips, the stock ones ripped my calusses open


Steel Member
phase two should have deck pins..dirt really messes up the griptape and you lose grip quickly

There is a reason they didnt do that..To many liabilities. You can easily add pedal pins to your deck, you buy em in packs of like 30 for bike pedals. I would personally HATE deck pins, I had them for a while on my scooter, landed on them one time and ripped em out.

Bear Grylls

phase two should have deck pins..dirt really messes up the griptape and you lose grip quickly

take a barbeque wire brush thing and rub your griptape with it. lightly so it doesnt wear it out

Just got back from riding dirt for the first time with it and i went through some mud and it got on my grip, used a barbeque cleaner and looks/works like new.