im 12, but what i dont understand is every vid that i see of a 12 year old, they look mini. im like 5'1" and i think thats pretty short. anyway thats not a bad thing just sorta noticed that. yea what proof is there that kotas dad is a douchebag to him? i havent seen any. that kid has some good tricks, not yet an amazing style but itll come. he has tricks i dont have, but my style may be a lil betta. he just needs to learn a lil park educate too, cuz snaking kids isnt good haha. but leave the dude alone and let him do what he wants, it doesnt really matter anyway. besides, he put this up to show you how he is and get feedback about HIS RIDING. NOT HIS IDOLS, OR OPINIONS, OR THOUGHTS ABOUT BEING SPONSORED, AND KOTA AND STUFF LIKE THAT. sorry bout all the caps. but actually thot that vid was pretty good. not sponsoring material, but he should just have fun and wait till he has maddd tricks and style and then put out a vid. like look how good raymond warner is and he isnt/wasnt (idk if he got sponsored) sponsored. just my 2 cents.