

can anyone make a model of my scooter for me on google sketchup so i know what itll look like?

purple odi grips
scooter zone raw viper bars
black district double clamp
purple blunt headset
raw lucky ls fork
black on purple demon metal core
RUP deck
switchblade brake
black on purple demon in the back


Steel Member
This is exactly why someone show make a program that you can go on and then pick out the parts you want, the colors you want, the sizes you want and then it will put it together so you can see what it looks like.

J dub

Bronze member
You do realize that'd take hours right? And to create a program that could easily interchange and show you what parts would look like on your scoot....well, let's just say me and a friend could do it. Gotten requests for this kind of thing before. I'd probably charge over $20k to create the program though, so doubt anyone in the scooter industry wants it THAT bad.

Good art = time and $. Accept it :)