yeah he told me about that trip, it sounded so sickk! haha yeah i was hyped to see him in thereI'm friends with Sam. He is so fucking good dude like fuck. We went to Buffalo together this summer to find that the XW comp had been ruined by the jersey fuckers. We camped on a BMX trail and almost got destroyed by a biker in the morning. Shit was fucking awesome one of my best memories from the summer. He has a clip in my Philly Files part.
Sam Thomas.
Or as you may know him, SammyT. Hes one of the only guys i ride with and totally shreds, rides with mckeen, fuller and and likes and yet no one knows who he is
Yes, was going to post this. All his videos are ridiculous.dude thisss. obviously ive never met him and the amount of videos and shit he releases are very minimal, but everything ive seen from him makes me wanna see more. hes incredibly good.
and basically all the socal kids are rippers. logan crawford, bk kim or whatever, and gerardo. probably a bunch more as well but all of them are pretty much perfecting the typical "street" style to the max.
noah risser is on some next level shit and he always has been, he would blow some kiddies minds if he came out with a real edit.