Reventon vs. Threshold


Bronze member
im pretty sure that was sarcasm. he is pointing out the one thing that is better than a tsi, and it has nothing to do with performance


the reventon might also have a few extra oz over the tsi ;)

I really think these two decks are the best available. strong and good looking. But the Threshold has more time into it and a much more intricate design and they cap the front so it lasts longer without getting bashed in. not saying the reventon gets bashed up easily, it doesn't.. but yehhh.. maybe phoenix should cap that area off also allowing the walls of the extrusion to be slightly thinner.
Theres some things I would change like capping that off but thats something you and I would like and that comes down to something personal. A lot of simulation testing went into the reventon and found it weaker to thin up the wall so they didn't do that. I agree, both great decks, if not the best decks on the market


Staff member
Saw a LOT of Reventons at woodward. They must be good decks.
Saw 2 thresholds as well, both owners loved them.

Either way you're getting a good deck.


Steel Member
Thinking about getting a threshold, just because I trust TSI. But since it's so new, how are we supposed to tell how strong they actually are? How long have they been being tested for?


Staff member
They're really rigid feeling. And they were tested for a while before.
And I've not seen any broken posted...
I'd buy it.


Steel Member
They're really rigid feeling. And they were tested for a while before.
And I've not seen any broken posted...
I'd buy it.

Well they haven't exactly been out for long so it's always hard to tell. I hate breaking parts, so right now I'm just trying to build the most solid scoot, regardless of weight. I've got crows and a proto scs, now I just need Thom cats and a deck, so I guess I'll go with the threshold.

I don't even care about the feel of it, I just want something nuke-proof


Silver Member
Like 3 Tsi decks snapped... And they are refunding all of them if they broke within 90 days and already coming with a V2 deck in a week.


Steel Member
goo with tsi, it has the widest deck bottom in the industry, which helps with controling grinds ALOT. and have you seen the post they put up about the v2? with all that money going into the welding it seems pretty evident that they care about their product in a way no other company really does. tsi does it big and does it well. so if you want to invest in a deck that will outlive you and all you pets, go tsi.