Richie Jackson


the_SD_local said:
Why hasn't McKeen posted in here??? He practically busted a nut when he saw the dude but he can't post in his thread?? booooooooooo

it was pretty sweet.

theo yo

oh man i love this guy. i had to watch his part like 5 times just to get half of the stuff he was doing. oh man

"alex & andrew, that guy was at that college we rode in cali where mckeen did the curved rail dub whip out."

did he give you guys props or did he not see you guys?


theo said:
did he give you guys props or did he not see you guys?
Nah we weren't really riding where he was, cause Matt was just doing a railhop that one of his friends was doing so we were waiting for them to be finished. I think that sentence was a bit confusing, sorry if it is.