Riding Pictures


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Big L

Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

meh bad angle and early pic


and wow? like this isnt the 3463754623 pic of this but oh well...



Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Dre said:
erik said:
just wondering rob but why do you air out on spines?

it is pretty big though
I'm guessing because there's not really any coping on that spine.
yeah i hate coping, it puts me off for airing, plus thats the widest quarter at our park.


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[moved] Riding Pictures

im the oppsite
i like coping
it makes me feel like i dont have to pull super hard to get back in


Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Rob Forman said:
Dre said:
erik said:
just wondering rob but why do you air out on spines?

it is pretty big though
I'm guessing because there's not really any coping on that spine.
yeah i hate coping, it puts me off for airing, plus thats the widest quarter at our park.

*sigh* typical british person....

haha and go ahead and bitch me out for that. its just a dumb joke dude dont worry


[moved] Riding Pictures

TylerWheeeeland said:
im the oppsite
i like coping
it makes me feel like i dont have to pull super hard to get back in
true, but some skateparks are built gay because apparently mad sticking out coping is good for skateboarders somehow, so a lot of parks, especially the more old school ones, have hella sticking out coping and that's not good for airing at all. It needs to be sticking out just enough so that you can feel a slight bump, but no more than that..