Riding Pictures


Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Hep Greg said:
david miles said:
handplant 10 foot over vert =]


s'an Eggplant, not a handplant.

yeah ive been wondering what theyre called thanks


Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Ian. said:
Wtf, jawlad.. Did you like land with you back on your bars?
na i threw the scooter behind me luckily and i landed like heels first then on my bum, i had a cork in it for like a week and a bit after hahahah


dargersaurus rex
[moved] Riding Pictures

jawlad[AIR said:
there sick logan :)
cant remember if ive posted this b4 but i always laugh when i look at it

it was my first ever attempt at a fronty, it was dark and went completely wrong hahahah
beefy spicey for all those DMFBMX2 players lol
[moved] Riding Pictures

Nick Darger 951 said:
jawlad[AIR said:
there sick logan :)
cant remember if ive posted this b4 but i always laugh when i look at it

it was my first ever attempt at a fronty, it was dark and went completely wrong hahahah
beefy spicey for all those DMFBMX2 players lol
haha, shoulda tried landing that